Please fill out the following survey AFTER you have volunteered through the Student Volunteer Center and return it to the SVC.


  1. How much volunteer experience do you have?

 No Experience                Less than 1 year                    1-2 years

 3-4 years                         5 or more years


  1. If you have had previous volunteer experience, in what area(s)?



Based on your recent volunteer assignment, please answer the following questions.


  1. I would be willing to volunteer at this agency again.

 Strongly Agree          Agree            Disagree        Strongly Disagree


  1. I was properly informed of the type of duties that were expected of this assignment.

 Strongly Agree          Agree            Disagree        Strongly Disagree


  1. I was adequately informed of the contact person and location.

 Strongly Agree          Agree            Disagree        Strongly Disagree


  1. How would you rate your overall experience in working with the SVC?

 Excellent          Good          Fair            Poor


  1. Would you be willing to work with the SVC in the future?

 Yes               No


  1. Please write any suggestions or comments below:



If you would like to be informed of future volunteer assignments, please provide your information below:


Name: _________________________________________


E-mail Address: _________________________________


Phone Number: __________________________________